(GENISIS 1:28)


Catching God’s Timing For Your Church And Ministry

Catching God’s Timing For Your Church And Ministry

God’s timing is perfect.
When he does something in our lives unilaterally (as in, he doesn’t ask for our permission or cooperation) his timing is often quick, surprising and sometimes painful. It’s only when we see those events in the rear view mirror that we understand what he was doing – sometimes not even then.

But there are other times when God chooses to bring us in on a decision in advance. He gives us a choice. And a chance to participate with him.

When those circumstances have happened in my life, I’ve noticed that the Lord usually gives us a window of time to implement those changes – often a very large, generous window. This allows us the wonderful opportunity to see what God is about to do, discover our role in it, prepare for it to take place, and open the gate to turn it loose.

It’s like the hand-off zone in a relay race. The smaller the transition zone, the harder the hand-off. But the longer the zone, the smoother the hand-off can be.

That’s why I recommend acting as soon as possible to implement the changes God calls us to make. Especially as church leaders, I believe we have an obligation before God and his people to anticipate and instigate God-ordained changes as early inside that window of opportunity as possible.